Topic Category: Plan

What are outcomes?

Outcomes Explained Quite often people hear the word “outcomes” without being entirely sure what it means. Here’s our simple definition: Outcomes are the change or difference you want to make… through your programme. So, it’s not enough just to describe what you’re going to do. You need to explain what will improve as a result …

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How to write useful outcomes

Be kind to yourself! The first rule of writing outcomes is to avoid making your life difficult.  By setting the right outcomes you can ensure it is easy to measure and report on the difference you are making. We suggest you set outcomes that are: related to the Need for your project about change specific …

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An Introduction to Evaluation

Why evaluate? It’s unlikely you got involved in this kind of work for the fame or the money! You probably got involved because you want to support other people and make a difference. Evaluation helps you find out whether or not you are succeeding and how you could do things (even) better. Therefore, evaluation can …

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What questions to ask people?

The questions you ask will be shaped by the information you need to help you plan your project. However, there are a few important areas to consider that are relevant to most: Location – where are the people we want to work with and does this have any impact on your plans? Transport – do …

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What does this mean for you?

Even if your project has been running for years, it is always useful to have a clear understanding of the problem you are trying to solve – why your project is needed. Being clear about the need for your project can help you: set appropriate outcomes for your project (this will be covered in a …

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How do you identify need?

You probably have a good idea about what you want to do and why you want to do it. Most projects start off trying to solve a problem. One of the first steps in taking an outcomes approach is to write down the problem (or issue). This is the first step to identify why your …

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What does ‘need’ mean?

What do we mean by the “need” for a project? People often find this confusing.  It isn’t about what your project needs.  Instead, ask yourself: “Why is my project needed?” “What is the problem my project is trying to solve?” “Who needs my project?” Once you are clear about the problem you are tackling, it …

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